Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Top 9 Movies for You & Your Kids!

Summer is here, and so are the big summer movies!

So what are the top 9 movies that your kids will drag you to see? According to nickmom.com ... Here they are!

(Just make sure you don't take them to TED ... I can assure you that you don't want your kid seeing 'that teddy bear movie')

9. The one with the superheroes.

8. The one with the puppets.

7. The one with the cartoon animals that’s just like the one before it, and the one before that. I think this is 3?

6. The one that costs like $12. OH WAIT THAT’S ALL OF THEM.

5. The 3D one that makes you want to vomit.

4. The IMAX one that makes you want to vomit.

3. The one they trick you into taking them to by not telling you about the violence/sex/incessant cursing.

2 The one with Matt Damon where you pretend you didn’t know it would be inappropriate for kids.

1. The 3D IMAX one with the cartoon superhero animals, none of which are Matt Damon for some reason.

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