Thursday, November 3, 2011

What NOT to Toast at a Wedding

Five Things You Should NEVER Talk About in a Wedding Toast:

Do yourself a favor ... Don't get drunk and bring up THESE ...
#1.) The Bride or Groom's Past Relationships.
Don't do it, even if you're saying something nice. Comparing your friend's new spouse to some reject from five years ago might get a laugh. But it also might make things uncomfortable.

#2.) Money.
That includes saying something nice like, "Wow, this must have cost a FORTUNE!" The thing is, if it LOOKS like it cost a fortune, it did. And at least one person in the room is probably stressed about it.

#3.) Hard Times in the Bride and Groom's Relationship.
A lot of people want their toast to be funny, which is fine. But make sure it's a toast, not a ROAST. If they broke up ten times before they finally got engaged, leave that detail out.

#4.) Your Own Failed Marriage.
There's no way to bring it up without embarrassing yourself. It just makes you seem kind of pathetic.

#5.) Backhanded Compliments. People do this all the time:
They're just joking, but they say something like, "Wow, I can't believe someone like JERRY landed someone like YOU."

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